Thursday, October 21, 2010

traveling thursday.

For any of you who know me well or at all, know that traveling is my passion.  I love seeing different cultures, different people, and different scenery.  Also there is nothing that makes you appreciate home more than being away from it for an extended period of time.  This being said, I have decided to theme my Thursday blog posts with the topic of traveling.  I am planning to post about trips I am planning, dream vacations, traveling quotes, and probably an entire post dedicated to Rick Steves (mine and Jamie's travel idol-he got us through all of Switzerland).

My first "Traveling Thursday" post is going to be about (drum roll please...) a spring break trip to New York that is currently in the making.  Right now it is in the very early planning stage and I am not even sure that my parents are on board yet, but us girls have our hearts set on it.

I have never been to New York and have always wanted to go.  There are so many great things about cities: tons of opportunities to people watch (clearly the first priority), non-sketchy public transportation, tons of walking, great food, and with a city like New York so many famous landmarks to see.  And in spring break the highs will probably be in the 50's which usually would not sit well with me, but I feel like if it wasn't cold we would not get the true "New York experience".

We would be driving. F I F T E E N hours in the car.  But as Kristen stated last night, "It won't be that bad as long as everyone acts normal".  True statement, because being in a car for 15 hours with 5 people is an environment for the truly sane.  But whatchu gonna do?  It's the cheapest route.

I want to see it ALL.  The Statue of Liberty, The Empire State Building, see a Broadway show, go to a wax museum, Central Park, see sights where Friends and You've Got Mail were filmed, and duh, go to Times Square.  I can't wait to see the fast-paced life of a New Yorker and try my best to blend in with the crowd (yeah right, YALL).

Since the high will be in the 50's while we are there, winter wear will be a necessity.  Old Navy just happened to have this adorable pea coat, that could not look better than on the streets of NYC.
Tomorrow is Friday!  I feel like the weekends are vacations in and of themselves.  Enjoy yours.


Unknown said...

1. You will be doing just what the Scottish 13-year-olds thought was possible! "You want to be famous, it's easy! You just go to New York!"
2. I don't know about non-sketchy public transportation.
3. You should spend a day in Boston/Cambridge and stay with Jordan and her friends! She loves having visitors and showing people around!

Sh said...

You will LOVE NYC!
Just a few things I learned from my last trip there:
a) Top of the Rock actaully has a better view than the top of the Empire State building
b) Get cupcakes from from Crumbs... HUGE and Ah-mazing
c) Don't leave out FAO Schwartz... awesome toy store
d) As much as it hurts, go see Ground Zero
e) Jamba Juice is like liquid crack... google the SNL sketch... it's really like that...

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