Tuesday, October 12, 2010

happy crafting.

Lately my mother has picked up the crafting hobby.  I encouraged her to quit her new job and start a crafting blog because I'm convinced she would bank but she refuses (wonder why).  This past weekend we got in the crafting mood and pulled out every crafting supply imaginable. You should see our dining room now.  Its like Hobby Lobby, Michael's, and Jo Ann's exploded up in thur..a crafter's heaven no doubt.
 The first craft I made was for Halloween.  I printed a vintage picture of the little girl with the jack-o-lantern and then went to town with ribbon, buttons, scrapbooking paper etc.

I pasted the paper on cardstock to make it more durable and hole punched it twice at the top to be able to hang it with ribbon.  It adds a nice touch of Halloween to my room!
 For the second craft I made a fall wreath out of fabric and a bent coat hanger.  I just cut the assorted fabric into 1 inch strips, each 8 inches long and tied them around the wreath.  It was simple, but cutting was time consuming.  I think it is a fun decoration for fall and want to get fabric to make a Christmas one!

Happy crafting everyone!


Unknown said...

I love that wreath!!! You would pay big bucks for that at a store!

Unknown said...

I love your new header!!

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