Yet again pictures will not upload to my blog. I am not exactly sure why this is happening. All you tech savy individuals out there, can you explain why when I upload a picture it just comes up as a bunch of random letters? Like, HELLO blogger,
asdkjhfkjdsfhdkjsj**&%alkjbs-%6303893028$5.... is NOT the picture I just tried to upload. (That is seriously what it looks like, except 4 or 5 lines of the random letters).
Anyways,it is exam week. Oh lovely exam week. There are pros/ cons to exam week and they include.
On the Pro side:
-No class (duh, always a plus)
-Motivation to do anything besides studying increases significantly. Meaning, my room is usually cleaner, the blog gets updated, exercising is finally a main priority, etc.
-Studying is the "cool" thing to do. It seems like everyone becomes equal during exam week.
On the Con side:
-Gorgas's fountain drinks get completely sold out, due to staying open 24/7.
-The library is super awkward because the 1/2 of the student population is invading the 3rd floor of Gorgas. This means when you look up from your computer for a split second you make eye contact with the dude sitting DIRECTLY across from you, immediately you turn away only to make eye contact with the girl on your right. This awkward interaction coninues to happen until you NEVER look up from your computer again. But, Bottom line= people are EVERYWHERE.
-Stress eating, and drinking. But not diet dew from the fountain..nope, because they are sold out.
To all fellow students: Good luck and Happy Studying.
To end what will hopefully be a prodcutive day at Gorgas, I am going on a B.Y.O.S. (bring your own sandwich) picnic at the River Walk tonight to celebrate/ cry over people dispersing for the summer.
After summer, I will be a Junior, so CRAZY. Time flies, as all the wise people say. Until then, I'm gunna try to soak it all in.
around here
8 years ago
"This means when you look up from your computer for a split second you make eye contact with the dude sitting DIRECTLY across from you...This awkward interaction coninues to happen until you NEVER look up from your computer again"
LOOOVE IT! and our BYOS will be epic.
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