Well obviously (said in the best Antoine Dodson voice possible) the 30 Day Challenge was an epic fail. I know you held your breath that I would update this blog for thirty days..
here's the skinny on me..
-Junior year has started and I love it..everything but the classes. There are only two classes I enjoy. One being Human Development which I just decided is my minor, YAY! The other being Abnormal Psych, because of course I wanna diagnose all the crazies.
-First Football game was this weekend.
-I came home this weekend after the game and spent some quality time with the famjam. My mother and I went shopping for some "interview clothes" for my interview on Wednesday. I don't know what is worse, professional clothes or the interview process. I should have picked a different major, one where my profession requires scrubs as a uniform. These form fitting blouses and pants are a recipe for work misery. No worries though, my dad consoled me tonight at dinner with his comment, "Don't worry you only have to work for about 40 years then you can retire and wear what you want". GOODY.
-I have developed a new love for Coldplay. My 3 favorites are The Scientist, Yellow, and Sparks.
-The weather this weekend was beautiful. I LOVE FALL WEATHER, and this weekend was a tease for it. Who wants to go to a pumpkin patch?
This is all for now, I'll try to update again before Christmas!
Just FYI, the scientist is one of my favorite coldplay songs as well. =)
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