Monday, December 28, 2009

heart rate curiosity.

i am hooked on spin class. over the break i have been doing as many classes with my dad as i can, and i make a good many because my agenda for the break is fairly low key. (and by fairly i mean VERY) but, i am now addicted, maybe i have a "spinning high" similar to a "runner's high" but i am borderline obsessed with this indoor cycling. tomorrow staley (and i would tag her blog if i knew how) is coming with me, and im really excited! she took spin this last semester at Samford and says she really misses it. i see why, girl!

now that i am going to spin regularly, i really want a heart rate monitor. when the instructor says you should be at "85% of your maximum heart rate" i want to know am i really at 85%? or does it just feel like it because im huffing and puffing like i'm about to collapse? i think i would have a better workout if i could see my results. and also, when this "spinning high" wears off, maybe this new exercise accessory will keep me motivated! sad, but true.. i get a new pair of exercise shorts and suddenly the urge to do another 5k has come! i know the heart rate monitor would be the same way.

ive been researching what kind i want, only they are slightly pricey.
one like this could do..

but there is a cuter one in pink or green i really have my eye on.

for now, im going to experiment with on my dad has, and decide if it is something i will actually use after i purchase it!


Staley Mc said...

We wore heart rate monitors in spin. I think it helps because one day she made us not wear them and just go by perceived exertion and I didn't like not knowing what my heart rate was so it will probably be weird for me today not wearing one! ha!

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